
Local Republicans to publicly express dissatisfaction with Cong. Kinzinger

By WCMY News Jan 27, 2021 | 8:48 AM

Republican Cong. Adam Kinzinger has said he knew he could pay a political price for speaking out against Pres. Trump and voting to impeach him. The LaSalle County Republican Party Central Committee plans to speak out against Kinzinger at a rally this weekend. Party Chairman Larry Smith says Kinzinger isn’t representing the constituents and doesn’t speak to the people in the 16th District. The party will rally at 1pm Saturday in Ottawa’s Washington Park.

Smith says it’s not about finding someone to run against Kinzinger, because with redistricting yet to happen, nobody can be sure yet what the 2022 election will look like. He also says the unwritten rule among Illinois Republicans is that central committees don’t get involved in primaries.

Kinzinger’s spokeswoman issued this statement Tuesday about the rally: The Congressman, along with his team, has enjoyed a long relationship with the local party leaders. Congressman Kinzinger looks forward to building on that solid foundation as they work together to navigate these next four years under a Democrat majority and through the course of this pandemic, keeping the focus on serving the community and the shared interests of the party.